
Nicholas Gilman is a renowned journalist and food writer based in Mexico City.

Nicholas Gilman es un renombrado periodista gastronómico radicado en la Ciudad de México.

More about the author

Mexico Drinks to its Roots: Pulquerias

Mexico Drinks to its Roots: Pulquerias

I entered my first small-town pulquería, a place called Sal Si Puedes, with trepidation. The name itself was a warning: "Escape if You Can." Two toothless patrons teetering on bar stools gazed as I ordered a pulque. The bartender handed me a chipped mug brimming with a viscous, milky liquid. Its warm, slimy, acrid taste made me want to spit it out. But all eyes were upon me. I managed to quaff enough to impart a pleasant buzz — hmm, this is starting to taste better, I thought to myself. I paid my 3 pesos and made my escape....

Read the rest of this story at the LA Times:,0,3582676.story

Eating Around: Regional Mexican Restaurants in CDMX

Eating Around: Regional Mexican Restaurants in CDMX

If Walls Could Talk: Fonda La Reforma

If Walls Could Talk: Fonda La Reforma