
Nicholas Gilman is a renowned journalist and food writer based in Mexico City.

Nicholas Gilman es un renombrado periodista gastronómico radicado en la Ciudad de México.

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Tlaco: "Comida Ancestral" (permanently closed)

Tlaco: "Comida Ancestral" (permanently closed)


Tlaco, a small locale on quiet calle Atlixco in the Condesa offers what the two handsome brothers who run it call "comida ancestral." That is to say, simple antojitos, especially tlacoyos, the thick, eye-shaped filled masa snacks of the State of Mexico. They may come filled with spinach,  flor de calabaza, ayocote, a large, sweet bean, mushrooms, whatever is available in the market. Most offerings are vegetarian. Blue corn, prepared by the traditional nixtamalización process, is brought in from Puebla. An inexpensive 'paquete' includes a soup and an agua. 

Atlixco 155-A, between Alfonso Reyes and Campeche, Condesa
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Open Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday until 4, closed Sunday

Book Review: Ortega shows passion for Street Food of Mexico

Book Review: Ortega shows passion for Street Food of Mexico

On The Grill: The Big Fish at Tacos el Patán